About Monica

Picture of Monica


Hi there! My name is Monica! I am currently an undergradute student at the University of Washington, Seattle. I will be graduating in June 2016 with a Bachelor's Degree in Japanese and a certificate in Web Development.

Growing up lucky enough to visit Japan every summer, my childhood was filled with great memories there. Being surrounded by family who only knew how to speak Japanese gave me the unique opportunity to learn through interactions with them and eventually led to my fluency in the language. As I grew older, my love for Japanese stuck with me and I made the decision to pursue Japanese at the UW.

My passion for coding made it's spark late in my college career when I took CSE 142 (Introduction to Java Programming). Later, when I was first introduce to HTML and CSS, I was amazed. I know it sounds cheesy, but it made me feel as though I was a magician. I loved being able to take an idea in my mind and see it come together bit by bit right before my eyes.

In early 2015, I enrolled myself into UW's certificate program for HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The program offers extensive insight into various fundemental components of web development and allows students to test out their skills both alone and collaboratively. I'm now nearing the end of the program and it's been such a great and rewarding experience. It has allowed me to not only learn new techniques, but to put those techniques into practical, real-life use. Furthermore, the people I have met in this program are amazing. They've been such great mentors to me and are so encouraging and supportive.

In addition to being a full time student, I was recently accepted as an intern at the Bellevue Arts Museum. I love it so far and am excited to go in every week. I have been primarily working on updating their website's events pages as well as creating HTML emails. The museum uses Adobe Creative Cloud for numerous things so I have slowly been learning the applications involed in the cloud.


When I'm not in front of the computer or curled up on the bed reading web development books, I like to take part in a variety of different hobbies. My main hobby would have to be being behind the camera. Whether it's taking random photos on an phone, filming a music video for a friend, or working on a film crew, I always find time to capture moments and memories. There's just something about film and photography that I love! Other hobbies I enjoy include playing ukulele, hand sewing, snowboarding, ,travelling, playing soccer, eating yummy foods, and shopping.


Experienced in:

  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Git/GitHub
  • Bootstrap
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Font Awesome
  • Google Fonts

Currently Learning:

  • Ruby (on Rails)
  • JavaScript & JQuery
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • SQL

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Find me on social media by clicking the icons below orat moniwebdevelopment at gmail.com for more information!