Whirled Beets

Whirled Beets Album Cover

With this album I'm creating a series of songs that samples various countries' music. After taking World music classes, I've listened to songs that I can use to sample for these instrumentals. After sampling an instrument from a given country, I then add my own elements to the song to put a personal touch on it.

Each song represents a different country's music and instrumentation.

It's an ongoing album, so it's continually a work in progress!

Mekong Flow


This track features a sample of an instrument called the mouth organ (from Laos). The original song is entitled "Nam Phat Khay" or "In the Current of the Mekong" and features only the mouth organ also known as the 'Khen'.

Fine China Wine


This track features a traditional Chinese instrument called the Ch'in. It is one of the most respected instruments in China, originally being played only by scholars and government officials. The original song is called "Wine Madness" which conveys a feeling of progressive drunkeness throughout the song.

Burden of Sand


This track features the Persian instrument called the Santoor. It's essentially a trapezoidal box with strings run across it and is played by striking the strings with a thin, flexible mallets. The Santoor typically has 72 strings for you to get lost in.