Camera Work


Outside of world of web development, one of my biggest hobbies is working with the camera.

My favorite type of photography would probably have to nature photography. I love to take pictures of plants, animals, scenic roads, candid photos of strangers, etc. Many of the photos below are from my trips to Japan as well as outings to local Seattle hotspots.

In addtion to photography, I have recently picked up a new hobbie: film. In particular I have been working on some music videos with people I know. I also took a film class last quarter at UW which allowed me to better understand, lighting, aperature, lense choice, etc. For any of you out there who are UW students, I definitely recommend the class! (Drama 406)

My Camera

Canon 7Od Camera

The camera that I have been using for both photography and filming is the Canon EOS 70D. It's not actually my own camera so unfortunately I will have to give it back to my dad eventually... but for the mean time I've been trying to take as much advantage of it while I still have it. I don't too much about the specifics, but I LOVE THIS CAMERA. It takes such beautiful, clear pictures with so much definition in them. Would definitely recommend to anyone who wants a nice DSLR!



Lillies in pond


Flower found in pound at the Seattle Japanese Garden.

Seattle Japanese Garden
Kissing Statue

Kissing Statues

These statues are kissing at the waterfront in downtown Olympia, WA.

Kofuku Station Sign

Train Ticket Sign

This sign is at a famous train station in Hokkaido that connects between love and hapiness stations. Couples go to this station for good luck in their relationships.

Orange Leaves on Trees

Autumn Leaves

Beautifully orange! This picture was taken at the Seattle Japanese Garden.

Seattle Japanese Garden
Man Staring Down in Forest

Forest Contemplation?

Candid taken during one of our shoots for the cover of "Nevergreen" by Emancipator.

Watch the video here!
Koi in Water


Japanese fishies that were in the pond at the Seattle Japaense Garden.

Seattle Japanese Garden
Circle Statue At UW

Circle Statue UW

Statue that is near Meany Hall on campus. Not sure why but I felt the need to take a picture.

Otemon in Japan


One of my favorite pictures of all time. I don't know why, it just is. It was taken on a trip to one of the temples in Tokyo.

Pike Place Market Sign

Pike Place

Can't visit Seattle without going to Pik's place!

Pike's Place Market
Man Looking out into Water

UW Waterside

We were originally planning to shoot a vid down by the water but we had to scratch it once the sun came down. We were right around the area behind the medical school at UW.

Pink Flowers Closeup

Pink Flowers

Pink flowers I found near the waterfront in Olympia, WA.

Mt. Rainier with surrounding water

Mt. Rainier

One of our final shots for the Seaside Medley! This one turned out really great, almost looks like a postcard!

Seaside Medley
Caligraphy, 'sakura'


Wrote this when showing a student how to write cherry blossom in Japanese. And then of course I had to take an artsy pic of it!

Snowflake Wall at Hokkaido Snow Museum

Elsa's Room (in Japan)

Walls from the room that people think looks like it's from Frozen. Whether or not it does, it was awesome to look at! The room is located in Hokkaido's snow museum.

Hokkaido Snow Museum
Space Needle

Space Needle

I know. Typical space needle shot. Still, thought it was worth putting it up on here since I think it looks great.

Man by Water

Sitting Seaside

I think this is candid? Can't remember, but oh boy the sunset was so magnificent that day!

Seaside Medley
Man looking into Forest


I promise this one was not planned on his part. lol For real though, I think he might've been searching out a spot for us to film and I was looking for cool shots through the lens.

Watch the video!
Little Girl Taking Photo of Mom

Learning How

This cute little girl took a picture for her mom at the Seattle Japanese Garden. It was just so adorable I couldn't help but capture the moment. Candid shots are the best!

View from Hills in Hokkaido

Hills in Hokkaido

So sad that I don't actually remember the name of this place. The view was amazing! It probably took us a good half hour to get to the top of it. There were cows freely roaming around too. lol

Kukui Nuts with Seahawks Shirt

Kukui Seahawks Reppin'

Candid from the Seaside Medley filming down by the Seattle water front. GO HAWKS!

Building called sun la table

Building in the Sun

Love this pic for some reason! Just a random buidling near pike's place.

Starfish Made of Glass

Glass Starfish

I believe I found these at the Space Needle shop? They were in all sorts of pretty colors so I decided to take a pic; wasn't sure if I was allowed to though...

Tori Gate, Kyoto

Fushimi Inari Taisha

This temple has become more and more popular lately for it's beautiful orange gates. I woke up early that morning to get a glimpse of the temples in Tokyo. Lucky for me I made it just in time to climb to the top and back before any of the tourists came in. Surprisingly, this was taken on my iphone!

Travel Guide
Trailer Toy

Toy Trailer

Another one of those random ones! I think it was taken in World Market? This was actually the first picture I took using my dad's camera.

Umbrellas in Cave, Enoshima

Mystical Umbrellas

These umbrellas were so beautiful! The lights behind them are actually in water so I was surprised I was able to get a nice shot like this. This picture was taken in the Enoshima Caves in Japan.

Steering Wheel of Car

Rav4 Steering Wheel

Really random but aye, why not? I like this picture for some reason.

Yellow Leaves

Yellowing Leaves

We caught these leaves just in time to catch the beauty of them changing colors!

Seattle Japanese Garden
Go-Pro on Guitar

Go-Pro like a Pro

No mount? No problem! Just need some tape! Our method for video taping the guitar.